Wednesday, November 7, 2012

With a Kiss?

Judas planned to do something to show the people which man was Jesus. Judas said, "The man I kiss is Jesus. Arrest him and guard him while you lead him away." So Judas went to Jesus and said, "Teacher!" Then Judas kissed Jesus. Then the men grabbed Jesus and arrested him. — Mark 14:44-46

How sadly ironic! Judas betrays the one who loves him most with a kiss. For everyone whose heart has been broken by someone he or she loves, this is a great reminder that Jesus knows those deep feelings of betrayal and loss. Here is a Savior in whom we can confide. He knows our dashed hopes and our broken hearts. He promises to strengthen us and be with us in our dark hours of need. Most of all, he promises to dry every single tear from our eyes and welcome us home.

Today's Prayer:

Father in heaven, betrayal by someone we love is such a deep and cutting wound that many of us on your small blue planet never recover. Thank you for reminding us -- reminding me -- that Jesus knows this deep bitter sorrow firsthand and can help us in our time of need. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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