Sunday, September 9, 2012

Broken heart or broken will ? Jesus can heal them .

Jehovah is nigh to those that are of a broken heart, and saventh them that are of a contrite sprit.  psalm 34:18

In our psalm, we see the righteous having troubes (v.17) and adversities (v.19) .Believers should expect these ___ the Lord says, "In this world you will have troube "(jn.16:33 NIV),and the aposttle paul says , "through many tribulations we must enter into the kingdom of God "(Acts 14:22).But we can take heart , for when the rightteous cry unto the Lord,"He delivers them from  all their troubles"(ps.34:17NIV).We are also of a contrite sprit, we will feel His presence and experience His helping band.

What is meant in scripture by a "broken heart"and by a contrite sprit "? A broken heart is  broken will ___ the heart is seat of both the emotions and the will .A contrite spirit is a "bruised ," hence a "broken down ," sprit.Only when we are no longer higspirited running hither and thigther ,trying ti solve our problems according to our wills , do we obtain  the promised deliverance Then when we are not seeking our ownwills we will be willing to accept whatever we would naturally desire, because we believe it to be the best for us in the long run.

However , some of our troubles are the consequences of our own unwise actions or even of our sinfs , but GOd can and will mitigate them if  , after self-judgement ,we cry unto Him . As another has said "The broken heart (Broken will) and the contrite spirit are two essential charecteristics if true repentance ." And when there is true repentance we will discover that god is "merciful and gracious ,slow to anger, and abundant in lovingkindness (ps.103:8)

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